
Friday, November 20, 2009

Macy Michelle

Today is my sister's 16th birthday. Since it's such a very special day, I thought I'd take a moment to celebrate the life of Macy!

I love Macy because....

She's really beautiful.

She was top of her Kindergarten class.

She has a really bendy back.

She had seriously cool bangs for about one week.

She goes for younger men.

She has friends with really great style.

She's not afraid to fight for what she believes in.

She's a hard-core exerciser.

She has mad peanut "unshelling" skills.

She's a star.

She's my sister.

But seriously....
Macy really is beautiful.

She's fun and she's funny.

She loves without judgment and she's [almost] always cheerful toward everyone.

And she's part of this family, which is really the coolest thing a person can be. ;)

I love you, sister! Keep those birthdays coming.


  1. Sweet words for a sweet sister! Happy Birthday, Macy!

  2. Ahem, that should be *couch* not count.
    Forgive me for posting errors on your lovely blog.

  3. OH! Your dad's mustache! You know, I sorta miss those days. Hm, maybe not...

    Very fun pictures of Macy and co. They really show her personality. :)
    Look at how everyone has grown since the picture on the count with Caston and Ethan!

    Happy birthday, Macy moo-moo muffin (annnnd I can't remember the rest).

  4. what a sweet post! gotta love sister-love.

    however i don't think macy is in the pic above "she's my sister" - i'm not sure who it is with Tali and child, but it doesn't really look like macy.

    Happy Birthday Macy!. I'll bring your present Sunday!

  5. This is fabulous! You even included the fighting skills - that is key.

    Well, that was so creative and now I feel like a lame, unimaginative bestie. Alas! I'll have to brainstorm and think of something exciting..
